1693 c/o C. P. Harrison

Why The Why The Dodo Die

(pocket god the dodo is hungry task)

the dodo is hungry pocket god
the dodo is hungry
the dodo

pocket god dodo is hungry
pocket god dodo
god dodo


the dodo is hungry pocket god
the dodo is hungry
the dodo

pocket god dodo is hungry
pocket god dodo
god dodo

question -

the dodo is hungry
the dodo is Hungary
dodo is

AS a question-

the dodo is hungry? pocketgod
the dodo is Hungary ?
the dodo is?

in reverse-
is dodo the Hungary?
is dodo the god?
pocket hungry is dodo the ?

the dodo is hungry pocketgod
the dodo/NON QUESTION in reverse!-

is dodo the Hungary
is dodo the god
pocket hungry is dodo the

the dodo is hungry pocket god questions the dodo is hungry
pocket god the dodo is hungry the dodo is hungry? pocketgod
dodo is hungry hungry pocket god questions pocket god the dodo is hungry
dodo is hungry the dodo is pocket god pocket
the dodo is Hungary pocket god pocket god the dodo is hungry
pocket god dodo is hungry
god the dodo is hungry

and now the dodo is die

die the hungry
die the dodo

in the name of the pocket
the god
and hungry the dodo

dodo has die
long die the dodo!
long long die