1791 c/o Ben Stainton

- so apparently Mozart stopped living, god
- he was buried in the grave of a poor dog
- yea i've heard that, the poor old Austrian person
- i saw him once in a wagon by the river
- oh wow. did you hear the Magic Flutes ?
- mate, incredible scenes, really
- i know Schikanader, so great as Papageno
- the man tubes, heavy

- hey jacket potato in my bag, you want some ?
- it's cold outside, you need potatoes to warm your legs
- i have three pairs of pants, to be honest, but my upper half could use a potato
- beef at the Masonic Lodge ? apparently the ghost of Mozart, it could be
- i do not know my hostess wants us to dinner together tonight
- her, the wooden teeth?
- she said, ‘come sit on my lap you, and we will eat the guts’
- that sounds disgusting
- i know so maybe the ghost of Mozart and the Lodge is more interesting

- i’m sad my wig keeps falling down
- continue drinking
- let’s make a toast to Amadeus bagel and fingers
- eating bagels rises like the sun
- eating bagels is a kind of food opera
- wait my mother is here
- i’m lonely please ignore your mother
- she just kissed a man in green lederhosen
- what the hell is wrong with this year

- i'm sitting in a public house, the waitress is very appealing to me
- Constanza has the dead goat for a wig ?
- no, Constanza is sleeping with my brother and i hate her
- there's a fog over the Danube, the smell of burnt hair
- we should find Schikanader and shake his hand again and again
- we need to fill our hearts with boiled potatoes
- we need to party like a requiem mass
- Ok, i’ll talk to you later if you change your pants
- Ok the moon begins to talk to me hi