1869 c/o Mischa Foster Poole

year) destiny
your manifesto has
shaken us very badly
touching out
cost him
(High St. Ken.). Denied
I'd manspread more than 2,000,000 square feet
how it all began
up the high construction but had, had
never won the tea race against
by a short breadth
The Tweed, Hallowe'en, Blackadder.
The erotic sight of her
dancing in such a short undergarm-
ent caused him to shout out
'Weel done Cutty-sark'
it cost him to shout out
answering in such short breath under
the erotic side of the
keel-haul, the bladder,
the shortbread'll
never win the wet T
but had had her up the bau-
haus (little b) can
mansplain one more time to me to mill
on the high street but didn't I
cause him
thug icon / tunic hog
shake ur ass v badly shake
ur manifestos I'm
ur sort I'm ur density